Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Debate - Technical vs. Business?

Ok...I'm back....and I plan to make this a memorable return...may be controversial too :)
First, Happy Diwali to those who still read and have been hoping for a post....Thank you for your faith & trust :)
Second, thank you to the two people who have pushed me into writing on this blog post :) - you deserve at least 50% of the credit....i had motivation issues that were keeping me away...but I'm back now (finally have had some time to myself).
Ok...so we have been having interviews and stuff on campus and I have come across so many students that are frustrated, tired, angry, sick, etc. with the process and the results - thanks to our mini-depression (pun intended!) caused by the extremely wonderful policies of our great economist president. If you have watched W - the movie, you will realize how serious the guy is about his work :) I'm craving to go see it ASAP. So after experiencing the frustrations and anguish of the students, I wondered where the gaps were (besides the obvious hiring freeze)?
Some casual conversations led to some striking revelations about what was expected by the candidates and what the organizations actually offered. In a larger group, this has sort of sparked off a semi-unrest and almost a revolution - where technical students have chosen sides for their future careers. Interestingly, I like the idea of business & IT merging :) - so I was a silent observer when the anxiety levels reached an altitude of 10K feet and then dropped back to Earth due to gravity. But it has really made people strongly choose sides.
Side 1: Those that believe that technical prowess (a.ka. programming, coding, etc.) is the greatest blessing in this world and everything else is pure bullshit
Side 2: Those that believe that technical prowess is God's gift to a special few and they are not among them - but they are good in their specific Business/IT area and work well within
Side 3: Those that believe that business is the greatest blessing bestowed upon man by the Almighty and technical prowess can merely be hired to support/drive it
Side 4: Those that have "been thrown into the deep end of the pool" in terms of trying to make sense of the Business vs. IT mess and are trying to find common ground in a desperate attempt to keep unity
So, what is it about all of these groups that makes the problem so challenging and makes the answer seems so simple? I tried to contrast and compare and spoke to a few "higher authorities" about this :) So heres the simple explanation that I can conjure (probably concise enough)
1) Org. needs point to technical prowess as a requirement - but one cannot do the same thing forever - so eventually one will move to business in some form or another (like it or not)
2) When you pursue an advanced degree - the expectation is to target a business challenge and resolve it using your technical prowess. But, if your area of interest is technical, then the solution must be at an algorithmic-level, not just purely technical in terms of machine instructions. According to a few authorities on the subject, there is a difference in solving a problem using a unique analysis/solution approach; compared to solving a problem by telling or instructing the "dumb machine" on how to do certain functions - that is pure instruction and NOT a solution.
3) If you cannot handle/resolve micro-level problems, then putting things into context of larger (a.k.a enterprise or global) problems is just ridiculous - no matter the previous experiences - if the approach is not holistic, it will have a negative impact and lead to ciloed mentality.
4) Is the end justifying the means or the means justifying the end?
5) Anything done for the pure joy of $$ will not go far....if true passion is missing, the spaceship is going to burn on re-entering the atmosphere
6) Blind fan-following of any entity can expose true facts about your intellect :)
This has been a more people-IT post than a few purely technical ones I have read before this and those have attempted to address this same issue - but all of them missed a critical component called "people perspective" :)
So as I still struggle to fully understand the scope of this, I am almost tempted to ask those on each side of the wall to jump to the other side and try their hand at what the other side is doing - but with strong sentiments, bloated egos and strong beliefs in respective technical skills, I don't think it is going to work. I hope some day I have a solution and I can publish it for some $$ - it seems that the grind I'm going through in making sense out of all this is ideal for the purpose :)
I hope and pray that it helps rake in the moolah some day :)
Happy Diwali & Happy New Year....
P.S. Ideas for more future posts are always appreciated :)


Keyo said...

My perspective!!

I am so not on Side # 1.
I am sooo with Side # 2.
I cannot comment on Sides # 3 & #4
(i am a gujju)

I totally agree with Solution # 1.
(dont we all...at some point?)
Solution # 2 is soo accurate!
Solution # 4 made me think.....
Solution # 5...hmm...touchy!
Solution # 6...so true.

Awesome comeback! :)
I charge for post suggestions! :)

(its not me..its the gujju blood talking)..hehe..kidding...

Punter said...

i'm gujju too (almost) :)

Asawaree said...

As we had discussed, I am going to write a post on this soon on my blog too..so I won't go into detailed analysis here.

But I would like to appreciate your techno-business acumen and the expertise in drafting such a meaningful posts. And as I always say (especially during our IT Economics class) that you have once again proven that you are a CIO material already ;)

Keyo said...

time for new post pls!

Keyo said...

btw, y do u call my blog as "blog of queen keyomi?" just curious

Keyo said...

not time..but HIGH time for new post!...